Tips About a How to Do a Spring Furnace Check

Posted On May 29, 2021

plumbing companies in Denver

Spring is a time for the spring cleaning around your home as well as for the check-ups performed on the major appliances that ensure the comfort and the safety of your home, such as the furnace. Customer focused plumbing companies in Denver confirm that these are tasks involved with furnace check-ups in spring:

Turn off the unit’s thermostat;
Check for flashing lights – flashing lights are usually a sign of some sort of malfunction. Record the number of the flashes and consult the product manual for the troubleshooting technique. Re-set the switch of the furnace when the troubleshooting is complete;
Replace or clean the filters – if your unit uses disposable filters, replace the old filters with new ones; if it uses permanent filters, remove them and clean them;
Clean the area surrounding your furnace – the area around your appliance should be free from debris and dirt, so clean around the furnace and also clean the exterior of your furnace;
Schedule professional maintenance – furnace repair contractors usually provide affordable maintenance and tune-up services. Schedule a maintenance session – it is the best way to ensure that all the components of your furnace operate correctly and reliably and also the best way to prevent costly repairs when you need your furnace the most.

Written by Connor

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